Sunday, 15 December 2013

Beyoncé sings about marriage trouble in new song

This album is Beyonce's most open yet, she doesn't hold back at all, she bares her soul & talks about everything from sex, marriage, to motherhood. In one particular track, Beyonce sings about post -pregnancy paranoia and hints at trouble in her marriage...

On the track 'Mine'ft Drake Beyonce sings,
"I’ve been watching for the signs/Took a trip to clear my mind/Now I’m even more lost/And you’re still so fine, oh my oh my/Been having conversations about breakups and separations/I’m not feeling like myself since the baby/Are we gonna even make it? Oooh/Cause if we are, we’re taking this a little too far/Me being wherever I’m at, worried about wherever you are”


  1. Queen Bey remains the baddest bitch in the game.

  2. Stil no match to Rihanna.....get used to it

  3. Queen Bey remains the baddest bitch in the game.
